Welcome home

March 16, 2016

On March 8, 2016 the prior rough idea of 'I want to get a cat' turned into an actual plan, as Sorsha, the cutest stray our workplace had to offer, spent the time during our lunch break with us. 

Now, after the weather cleared and Sorsha came out again, we lured her in with food and with Sorsha in a well prepared cat carrier, I took the afternoon off and after having her checked out by the vet brought her home.



It must have been a tough day for Sorsha. After having arrived at home she spent the whole evening hiding in her litter box... . 
But whenever I pet her, she cranes her neck and purrs and purrs... so cute!

I think we're off to a perfect start.☆

でも撫でるとすごく甘えてくれる 可愛いー 

素敵な同居生活の始まり ☆

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